On Demand Webcast: Reassessing the Cyber Threat Landscape

Nov 16, 2015
1 minutes
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Government organizations are often vulnerable to cyber threats when their various teams run their networks in silos and fail to work together to secure the network and prevent threats.

Threat prevention is possible. Access the Reassessing the Cyber Threat Landscape On Demand webcast to learn about strategies and best practices for tracking and mitigating threats to the government enterprise.

Topics will cover:

  • Advances in technology that could help deal with advances in threats
  • The challenge of keeping a cyber strategy from growing too complex
  • The role of automation in a cyber strategy

The On Demand webinar will be available for a short period of time. Watch now.


Mark Weatherford
Principal at the Chertoff Group and former Deputy Undersecretary for Cybersecurity at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Pamela Warren
Director, Government & Industry Initiatives at Palo Alto Networks

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