Here are my 2014 predictions on what I think will be the trendsetters in cyber security.
1. Securing the mobile device will be inextricably linked to securing the network
With freedom of choice comes risk. Megatrends like BYOD and the rise of the mobile workforce are providing fertile ground for cyber criminals and nation states looking to capitalize on devices operating over unprotected networks. The scales have historically been tipped against us, leaving enterprises vulnerable to a new breed of advanced threats targeting mobile devices. In 2014, threat intelligence gained within the enterprise network will offer new defense capabilities for mobile devices operating outside protected networks. And intelligence gained by mobile devices will offer new signature capabilities to further strengthen enterprise networks.
2. Cloud will get a security makeover
Innovations in network virtualization are enabling automation and transparent network insertion of next-generation security services into the cloud, and this is an area where Palo Alto Networks leads. Security has remained one of the greatest barriers preventing cloud computing from reaching its full potential, and in our recent Cloud Computing & Security survey, about 60 percent of respondents told us that delays in applying security have a negative impact on their operational efficiency. In 2014 next-generation network security and network virtualization will come together to form a new paradigm for cloud security.
3. Detection times will decrease in 2014
This may be a controversial prediction amongst those who prefer to prey on fear, but expect breach detection times to decrease in 2014. Enterprise security has undergone a massive transformation since the introduction of the Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW). This has long since moved from an emerging technology to one that’s universally deployed. Newer, advanced security services are enabling enterprises to gain new advantages in detecting unknown threats, and gather that information into a threat intelligence cloud that’s developing an impressively high IQ. In other words…the vision is working. The net result will be a measurable reduction in the time it takes to detect a breach.
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Don't forget to read our other 2014 predictions:
Isabelle Dumont on cybersecurity trends