Check out a quick recap of the week's most important Palo Alto Networks happenings. Come back every Friday for another batch of news!
Wade Williamson checked in on the recent Asian government attacks, hacktivism and warns you on what to watch out for.
Our Tip of the Week, from Dana Torgersen, helps you protect your users against future frights!
In this Dark Reading article, Wade comments on deepweb - anonymized networks not indexed by search engines.
Thanks to those who helped us by taking our cloud infrastructure survey. Five lucky people won Parrot Zik wireless Bluetooth headphones – we’ll reach out directly if it was you.
Wade’s SecurityWeek article explains why it is time to secure mobile devices... not just manage them.
Looking for Cisco alternatives? Register for this webinar to learn how to migrate to Palo Alto Networks next-generation security platform.
Select Geeks from our Gang of Geeks will be in Australia next week! Sydney on 11/11, Auckland on 11/13 and Melbourne on 11/15. The rest of our Geeks will be in Philadelphia, PA on 11/12.